Posted 20 hours ago

Kids Embrace Group 123 Car Seat Paw Patrol Chase

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Built-in belt guides correctly position vehicle seat belts for use with booster up to 36kg. Contoured seat and extra padding provide support and comfort so that your child will enjoy the ride even on long trips. Features & Benefits: The seat is strong yet lightweight which makes it easy and convenient to transfer between cars. The Batman seat even comes with a removable cape – essential for little superheroes on longer journeys! Features Once your child reaches approximately 4 years old, the harness can be removed and your child can sit safely in the seat using the car's seat belt.

Point harness with 3 harness slots to accommodate your child's growth from 9-18kg. 2 Position crotch belt allows for extra comfort and safety. The Harnesses system features Energy absorbing technology (Patent pending) and comfortable strap covers KidsEmbrace™ Friendship Combination Booster car seats are safe and offer something nobody else can – Friendship. Kids want to stay in this seat because KidsEmbrace™ has brought their favorite character to life. With the KidsEmbrace™ Friendship series, they aren't just riding in a car seat, they're traveling with a friend. Kids agree; they'll even bring it in the house to be with their friend. div>

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